08.03.22 Global Workplace Learning Trend (Skill) Analysis from Udemy Business

Dear Students,
Attached is an amazing resource for you, which is filled with statistics and insights into global workplace trends, employer business needs, and, most importantly, what Udemy (a major for-profit massive online course provider, or MOOC) is calling “power skills.”
Within this 32-page report, the writers contrast the term “soft skills” (which you may have heard about) with that of “power skills,” presenting them through an intriguing new lens with which to view such competencies:
“Why ‘power skills’? Learning and Development (L&D) and HR leaders agree these skills are what give employees power at work. Power to collaborate, power to communicate effectively, power to lead. When it comes to developing training programs for the world’s leading companies, we at Udemy Business believe these skills should be top-of-mind when building a robust training program. After all, these are core competencies that all employees need — whether they’re in a financial, technical, administrative, sales, or marketing role.”
In addition, this report is chock-full of data that can serve as a springboard for you to engage in discussions with a coach or thought partner around hard and soft (power!) skill competency development and Western workplace expectations for you more generally.
Happy reading! Udemy 2022_Workplace_LearningTrends_Report