EY Event

Carrie Waley was invited as a guest speaker at an interesting event organised by EY and Chopsticks Club
On the evening of 29th of October 2013, Carrie gave a talk at an event organised by EY and the Chopsticks Club about the different types of Chinese currently living in the UK and their different values. The talk also touched on the reason why few Chinese participated in British politics.
The audience at the event were from an interesting mix of local non Chinese, mainland Chinese, 1st and 2nd generation of Hong Kong Chinese and Chinese from other parts of South East Asia.
The audience responded well to Carrie’s and other panellists’ talks. After the talk, very heated Q&A discussions carried out between the audience and panellists, making it a very interesting event.
The other panellists for the event included Mr Sonny Leong, Chair of the group Chinese for Labour, Executive Chairman of Civil Service College and the Academy for Parliamentary & Policy Studies, and Deputy Chair of Future First, a social enterprise company and Mr Jackson Ng, Adviser to Lord Wei of Shoreditch & Director Conservative Friends of the Chinese. The panel was chaired by Theresa Booth, director of the Chopsticks Club.
Carrie Waley 应邀作为主讲嘉宾出席了由安永集团和筷子俱乐部主办的专题讨论会
2013年10月29日晚,安永集团与筷子俱乐部联袂举办了关于在英华人差异的专题讨论会,会上Carrie Waley就不同类型的华人的生活方式与价值观进行了发言。不同类型。发言中也涉及到只有少数华人参与英国政治的原因。
此次活动的观众们是由当地非华人、 中国大陆华人,第1代和第2代的中国香港人以及东南亚地区华人组成的有趣组合。
此次活动的其他专家们包括Sonny Leong先生——中国劳工集团主席、文官学院以及议会政策研究中心执行主席,前景国际教育集团副主席。 Jackson Ng——韦鸣恩勋爵的顾问以及保守党华人之友组织董事。该活动专家委员这次专题讨论会由筷子俱乐部董事Theresa Booth主持。