L Ma - EDF Energy. GS
After graduating from my Master’s degree in Information Management and Business Technology at Loughborough University I felt like I was ready to take on a job in the UK. Little did I know how difficult this would be.
Many students who come to the UK from China to study at university end up going back home to look for a job. I heard about Mandarin Consulting from attending a lecture at Loughborough and decided to sign up to their scheme. I was apprehensive at first but talking to them built up my confidence in the company. Many Chinese students will think of this company as an “agent” who will help them look for a job, which is illegal and unjust in this modern society. However, Mandarin Consulting is here to teach Chinese students how to look for a job in the UK. I found their services incredibly helpful and at times uplifting. They helped me correct my CV, cover letters, face to face and phone interview skills as well as teaching me the differences between a British and Chinese working environment. Basically, the skills required to look for a job and work in the UK.
I filled in a total of 105 applications and attended more than 10 interviews, each time I would get better and feel better about my performance. Finally I got an offer from EDF Energy, a major energy supplier in the UK
One of the most important factors for my success was my willingness to speak English and ability to communicate comprehensively. Since arriving in the UK, I endeavored to practice my English by trying to meet a diverse range of people, and engage in various activities outside my comfort zone. By experiencing British culture and learning this way of life, I have become a lot more open minded with the ability to appreciate both Chinese and British culture.