MC Blogs

Carrie's Diary





Wishing all of our candidates a Merry Christmas and all the best for a successful New Year.  Remember, if you concentrate your efforts and really do your company research there is no reason why you should not get that “dream” job, it is out there just waiting for you.

—Eric Waley


—Eric Waley

“To all our wonderful and hard-working clients – we treasure the time we spend with you and the enthusiasm you show in working with us.  We hope your work is fruitful and that you achieve in 2016 everything you wish for.  Most of all we hope that we enrich your lives as much as you enrich ours!”

—Brian Renwick



—Brian Renwick

2015 has been a fantastic year and nothing has been more impressive than the candidates that I have been preparing for all sorts of experiences- video interviews, telephone and face to face not to mention the final hurdle of the Assessment centres. You have worked so hard and in so many locations – from trains to planes from your holiday locations to Beijing and Shanghai and the results are there to be seen. This year I believe that the number of candidates who have been successful at the interview stage that they have been preparing for has nearly doubled over the previous year. Of course it takes time, patience, motivation and above all self confidence – and finally you get there, it may to be in the UK; it could be back in China. The interview process, as all of you know, is not an easy one and it requires real adaptation to a different cultural mind-set. But if you are determined and think positively, avoiding thoughts like, oh dear the other candidates will be better than me etc. and set your mind on what you really want to achieve you will get there. I want to thank all of you, including my personal coaching students for all their dedication and hard work! Effort confidence and hard work is what it is all about! Thank you all and I look forward to an even more successful year for you all in 2016!

—-Michael Potter

2015年是精彩的一年,令人记忆深刻的莫过于我一直在帮助的学员们,我们准备了各种各样的求职面试:视频、电话、面对面,更不要说克服了重重障碍的评估中心面试。你们是如此的勤奋进取,在全世界的各个地方都没有停止努力——在火车上、在飞机上,从度假的城市到北京、上海,你们努力的成果有目共睹。我相信,在这一年中,因用心的准备而通过面试的学员数量,几乎是去年的两倍。当然,不管是在英国还是回到中国,这些成功是需要花费时间、耐性,需要强大动力的,更加重要的是,需要自信心。大家都知道,面试不是一个简单的过程,它需要面试者具备不同的文化思维的真正的适应能力。但是,如果你有坚定的决心和积极的心态,并且能够避免总在想“天啊其他候选人是不是都比我强”的心理。只要把思想集中于你真正想实现的目标,你的目标终将实现。我想谢谢你们大家,包括我自己的学员,谢谢你们的付出和努力! 自信和勤奋就是一切! 谢谢大家,期待我们在2016年取得更多的成功。

—-Michael Potter

As we approach Christmas and New year it is important to reconnect with our friends and relatives. Many of you have the opportunity to connect and network with people from many countries and you should not under estimate the long term benefit of using professional tools like LinkedIn to stay in touch with colleagues over time. Whilst many of us are focused on finding our first job, think long term, network and build your personal network and profile. In this fast paced world we must still continue to value our friends and their impact on us. The long term value of networking is very clear. Best wishes for a happy holiday period and New Year.

——Patrick Reid

随着圣诞节和新年的到来,与亲人朋友多多联系是十分重要的。你们中的很多人,有机会与分布在世界各地的朋友联系,不要低估用像LinkedIn这样的专业平台与你的同事朋友们交流的长远意义。我们中的很多人都在专注于寻找第一份工作,同时,我们也要长远思考,建立自己的人际关系网。 在这个快节奏的社会中,我们必须一如既往的珍视朋友以及他们对我们的影响。人际网的长远价值十分明确。希望你们渡过一个开心的假期,新年快乐。

As we approach the year end, and you progress alongside us, please remember that the world is a competitive one, and you need to find the very best way to stand out. I deeply believe that you can each do this, whatever your strengths, and this can often be achieved by building your confidence. While an end of year brief message is not the place to give a big tutorial on this subject, I can encourage each and every one of you to make better friends with yourself. Give yourself a “break” and send kind, confident messages to your brain about your strengths, courage and more. The more often your brain hears good things about you, the more it will help you to make those things a reality. Try telling yourself that you are confident and competent, and you will be amazed at how much more you will feel this to be true! I look forward to coaching many more of you in the coming months, and to helping you work with this kind of technique, so that you feel more able to let your talents shine! Happy Holidays!

—-Claire Lyell

在2015年即将结束之际,在我们共同进步的时刻,请记住这是一个竞争的世界,它要求你找到最合适的方式,让自己与众不同。我深深地相信你们每一个人都可以做到这一点,不管你们的能力如何,这一点总可以通过不断的建立自信心而实现。尽管年终寄语的目的并不是教导你们大道理,但我愿意鼓励你们每一个人去结交更多、更适合自己的朋友。让自己休息一下的同时,也真切而自信的告诉自己,你的能力、勇气以及其他长处。你的大脑越是经常接受到好消息,它就越能帮助你实现梦想。尝试告诉你自己,你是一个有能力,有自信的人,最终你会惊讶的发现一直以来对自己肯定都是真实存在的! 我期待在即将到来的日子里帮助更多的学员提高运用这项技能的能力,这样你们就越能让自己的天资闪耀!节日快乐!

—-Claire Lyell

Researching, applying and undergoing the long road to finding a job is a very stressful and time consuming progress. It is important now to take some time to relax and reflect on what you have learnt so far and formulate ways to achieve your goals and ambitions for the coming year. I am a firm believer in seizing opportunities; you have a myriad of opportunities open to you by studying in the UK. You should be making the most of these. So many of you have difficulty articulating yourself in either verbal or written English, which is so vital when selling yourselves to future employers. How about a New Year’s resolution to involve yourself in the life around you, leading the multi cultural life that the UK embraces – reading and listening to current affairs to learn more about the broader environment around you. You will be surprised how much information you will assimilate, how much your language skills will improve and how much more confident you will become when applying for jobs. I wish you all very best wishes for 2016 and helping as many of you possible in the coming year.

—–Sally Patterson

做研究、不断申请、持之以恒的找工作,这本身就是一个充满压力和消耗时间的过程。现在重要的是,放松自己,回顾你至今所学,并为来年实现你的目标和憧憬制定计划。我坚信机会需要主动把握——在英国的学习为你们带来了无限的机会与可能。你们应该充分的利用这段时间争取机遇。很多同学都没有很好的掌握英语口语和写作能力,而这些恰恰是你们在向雇主展示自己时所需要的关键能力。新的一年,大家不妨更多的融入自己身边的环境,享受英国的多文化生活  阅读和聆听时事,以了解你们身边更广阔的世界。你将惊讶于自己所能获得的信息量,你语言技能提升的程度,以及寻找工作时,前所未有的自信。我祝福大家的2016年,并希望去帮助尽可能多的人。