S Wang - Insurance. Internship
1) What made you join our programme?
I joined the programme around the end of 2012 and the main reason for me to join was the lack of support I had in finding a job in UK at that time whilst being busy studying.
2) What difficulties did you go through before you joined our programme?
I think it would be that I delay things. It took ages to submit an application form, so sometimes I just waited and waited. Second reason would be the problem of bad English writing.
3) How has our programme helped you?
It helped me mainly in two ways: firstly checking my English for my first stage online application and secondly it gave me a lot of help during both my telephone interviews and assessment centres.
4) Which part of our service do you think is the most helpful? In what ways did it help you?
It is hard to say, I think I came across many people who helped me, particularly the help from Chris Wilson in Beijing. He gave me so much useful information, gave me really good interview tips and also encouraged me a lot during those interviews. I had the chance to get help from him because I was in China during the Christmas period.
5) Do you have anything you would like to say as encouragement and inspiration to fellow candidates who are currently going through what you this process?
I think the key to finding any job is to be prepared!