How to be successful in recruiting: Mandarin Consulting successfully delivers Leadership Programme module three to empower employees

London, Tuesday, 15 May 2019, Mandarin Consulting successfully delivered the third module of their internal training Leadership Programme, Recruiting. The workshop was also held in Manchester on 10 May 2019 to engage employees in the UK, across regions and departments. This third module addressed the importance of recruiting with a focus on how to locate talent, conduct interviews and provide feedback.
After the workshop, the London US Team Leader, Wenqian said, “I have learned how to critically evaluate the existing resources in the recruitment process. I now know what to think about and how does that measure up to what I need for moving forward with the interview process. Most importantly, the more targeted you can be as an interviewer, the better outcome you can get.”
Mandarin Consulting’s Leadership Programme, launched on 21 February 2019, has been specifically designed to equip the Mandarin Consulting leaders of today with the skills, knowledge and confidence to face the leadership challenges of tomorrow, including rapid growth and embracing change in disruptive business environments. It echoes the company’s mission to change people’s lives, by changing and developing the lives of its own internal talent. The full programme includes five key areas including leadership, effective management, developing people and talent, personal development and recruitment to ensure more and more ambitious talents in Mandarin Consulting gain the essential skills to become the Global Elite leaders of the future.
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About Mandarin Consulting
Mandarin Consulting is the Global Elite coaching career industry leader, arguably offering the most comprehensive and effective cross-cultural career enhancement service for Chinese students, graduates and professionals. Mandarin Consulting’s mission is to change people’s lives. Our highly experienced Western coaches have helped thousands of ambitious Chinese students and graduates to secure positions in top-tier global firms and further supported them as working professionals, towards achieving their career goals. Strategically based in the UK, US and China, Mandarin Consulting provides worldwide Global Elite coaching, enabling our clients to succeed in the highly competitive, global job market for internships and post-graduate employment and achieve their aspirations to become global elites.