
Graduate Careers in the UK
英国毕业生职业生涯的扩张与进展,始于布莱尔(Tony Blair)政府时期的决定,当时政府的目标是:期望50%的学生能够进入大学学习。这是由于当时的英国已经从第一产业与第二产业经济(例如煤炭开采、制造业)进化为第三产业服务型经济。英国必须拥有更多受过良好教育的劳动力来满足雇主的需求。
在英国的就业市场,毕业生的薪水是相当之高的;这一点从未改变,并且也不可能改变,因为英国将持续发展高技术含量的服务型经济。Tier 2签证需要申请人提供至少拥有£20,800 或者£23,000(根据职业不同)的年薪,这能够让人出版了解到毕业生工作的薪资水平。好消息是,根据政府的统计数据显示,在2015年,21-30岁的人,人均收入为£24,000,31-40岁这个年龄的人,人均收入将增加£12,000。
无疑的,英国将会保持国际大国的身份,并可能提升与其他区域、在全球范围内有经济往来的能力。获得英国的学位仍然是争取到毕业生项目的最佳方法;竞争是激烈的,在能够预见到的未来中,英国的经济发展将持续进步,所以这一点是不会改变的。学生们必须能够展示和表现出自己的态度、动机、能力以及对英国与国际社会价值的理解,否则,在第一轮面试后,公司就会拒绝招收你。 在英国开启职业生涯的机会,是为那些愿意勤奋付出、机敏思考、努力让自己达到雇主高标准的学生准备的。
Graduate Careers in the UK
By: Mandarin Consulting Coaching team
The development of the landscape
The expansion and progression of graduate careers in the UK has its origins in the decision of Tony Blair’s governmental era which stated a target of 50% of school leavers to enter university. This was because there was a clear recognition that the UK had transformed from a primary and secondary sector economy, e.g. coal mining and manufacturing, to a services economy. There had to be a well-educated workforce to meet the requirements of employers.
Added to this was the establishment of the free movement of EU citizens between countries to live and work as they pleased. With London expanding quickly as a global centre of professional services (in particular Financial Services) international companies located here became a magnet for highly educated, highly motivated graduates from across the European Union and beyond.
UK graduates quickly discovered that they did not have a special advantage because they were native to the country. They had to improve their job hunting capabilities as they came up against graduates from the EU who spoke at least two languages to a good, if not, professional standard. Those that came from outside the EU found that to enter the UK job market they needed two things in addition to English language skills: a degree from a UK (or EU) institution and a visa sponsor.
How graduate jobs have expanded
The UK Government’s Department for Business Innovation & Skills latest statistics (published April 2016) clearly display the benefits of having a degree in employability; this demonstrates that the UK continues its focus and path on being a highly educated services economy.
The report quotes ‘In 2015, graduates and postgraduates had higher employment rates, with a greater proportion in high-skilled employment, lower unemployment rates, lower inactivity rates and higher median salaries than non-graduates.’
In addition, the UK’s economic strength (Brexit Blip aside) as it emerged from the Great Recession also showed good news for Graduates, ‘In 2015, both graduate and non-graduate employment rates returned to their prerecession levels … Graduates and postgraduates were more protected from unemployment during the recession than non-graduates. Unemployment rates recovered to approximately pre-recession levels for all groups by 2015’.
In conclusion, Graduates still have the best path to career success in the UK, were better protected in the hard years of the recession, and have now almost recovered to pre-recession levels. This is the best time in eight years to be a graduate entering the UK economy.
The graph below provided by the UK government clearly shows the recovering employability of graduates from 2008 to 2016, and their premium compared to non-graduates.
Crucially, it also demonstrates that young graduates are only slightly worse off than the full working population. This means that, unlike other parts of Europe, young graduates are not being sacrificed to keep older people in jobs; the future is bright for young people in the UK.
How much you can earn
Graduate salaries command a premium in the UK economy; this has not changed and is highly unlikely to change because the UK intends to continue on being a highly skilled Services economy. With a Tier 2 visa requiring a minimum salary of £20,800 or £23,000 (dependent on profession) it’s necessary to understand what salary can be expected from a graduate job. The good news is that the government’s own statistics show that the median salary was £24,000 in 2015 for 21-30 year olds, increasing by another £12,000 for the age bracket 31-40.
What International Students Find Difficult
The UK is an international country with many different traditions within its own peoples and those that have been brought by other waves of settlers; the first is no different to most countries in the world. But, what can be difficult to adjust to is the Business Culture of the UK, with some variations between regions.
Any graduate must understand that UK employers pay a good salary with the expectation that they will get a motivated, energetic student who understands the value system of the company and the UK. An academic qualification is just the starting point, it gets you in the door to be assessed; personality, energy and drive are what get you the job. It’s these types of graduates that fill the open positions in the UK.
The future for International Students
The UK government changed the rules in 2011(?) to clamp down on abusers of visas; this had the unfortunate effect of drawing in the good students as well as the bad. It is clear that companies are still after the best graduates no matter where they come from and will consider the best ways to get them in. The impending Brexit will also change matters depending on how negotiations are concluded, it is possible that Non EU students will claw back some advantage if EU citizens do not have the automatic right to work, but this should not be relied on.
The disruptive effect of technology to traditional university courses in terms of distance learning courses has allowed lots of students to study without leaving their home countries. However, fundamentally the student misses out on living in the culture, learning to speak the language with local dialects and mixing with native people and students from other countries. Companies will look to source candidates from within the country; this means students have to involve themselves with understanding the language and the culture.
It is clear that the UK will remain a strong global player and potentially increase its ability to do business regionally and globally. Getting a degree in the UK is still the best method to creating a chance to get on a graduate programme; the competition is tough and will stay that way for the foreseeable future as the UK’s economic performance continues to progress. Students then have to be able to display and perform UK and International values, attitudes, motivations and competencies if not companies will not progress International students after the first interview.
The opportunity to start a career in the UK for an international student is there for those that are willing to diligently and intelligently apply themselves to become what employers are looking for.