Mandarin Consulting Edinburgh Christmas Cocktail Party 2015

Date: 17th of December, 2015
Venue: 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 2ER
Time: 6-10pm
Since Mandarin Consulting Edinburgh office was launched in September this year, it has been an extremely busy three months; from organising university seminars, career fairs to making sure we deliver the best possible service to our Chinese students. During this time, we have noticed that our students are craving for events and opportunities for them to experience western culture, particularly locally in Scotland and the North of England. Christmas is the perfect time and backdrop for Mandarin Consulting to offer our students exactly just that.
We invited around sixty Chinese students along with local British undergraduates and professionals from different industries across the spectrum of British business in Edinburgh. The icing on the cake for the evening was no doubt our senior management team, CEO Carrie, Director David, General Manager Ronald and Marketing Director William, travelled all the way from London and Beijing especially to offer their support.
The tree lit up in tinsel and lights,
windows adorned with little reindeers and snowman,
tables all covered in mince pies and glasses of wine,
music filling the room with warmth and ambience,
students nervous, excited and full of youthful energy.
As the night progressed, we ate, we drank, we talked, we laughed.
Prizes were won and new friends were made.
The party was a real success and everyone had a fantastic time. I have to say what impressed me the most was definitely our students. They really embraced the Christmas festival spirit and pushed themselves out of their comfort zone to socialise and network with people they met for the first time.
Mandarin Consulting is very proud that we can provide a platform and opportunity like this for Chinese students to move a step closer on their journey to integrate into the UK studying and working life, it is worth every second of our hard work. I am sure in 2016 we will work even more closely together as a global company to achieve our ultimate goal in ‘Changing Peoples’ Lives’ for the better.