Carrie Waley Gave Training To BOC Foreign Senior Executives Worldwide

LONDON, (03.08.2015) – Carrie Waley, CEO of Mandarin Consulting gave cross cultural training to Bank of China foreign senior executives worldwide
The training was held at the Bank of China’s office in the middle of the Financial Services Centre of London – the City on the 29th of July 2015.
After the session, Carrie said “I really enjoyed the session. As a regular trainer to Bank of China executives on cross cultural issues, I always learn as much as I teach in these sessions. With the fast changing pace of China, it is always interesting to talk about China to foreigners. One always has to remember to add yet another new phenomenon to the lists! In recent times, as I often travel between the US and the UK, I also notice differences between foreigners from different parts of the world of their understanding of China. This adds another level to the already complex topic.”
Carrie continued: “I was thrilled with the overall feedback of the attendees at the seminar. They asked a lot of interesting questions and raised some real practical issues that they have come across in their work inside a leading Chinese bank.”
I firmly believe such training will have long term benefits to any organisation with a bilingual and bicultural workforce.