Keynote Address By Premier Li Keqiang At The Mansion House

Carrie Waley was a guest at the keynote address by Premier Li Keqiang at the Mansion House in the City of London on the 18th of June 2014, organised by The International Institute of Strategic Studies and Chatham House, the Institute of International Affairs.
This event happened during Premier Li’s three day visit to the UK, where the Chinese delegation signed contracts worth £15 billion with British businesses.
Premier Li’s down to earth, friendly and honest style was warmly welcomed by the key decision makers in the City. Amongst many interesting topics, Premier Li talked about the concepts of inclusiveness and tolerance and how UK and China share these values. He talked about how China is determined to get more people out of poverty and how China would like to contribute more to world peace after enjoying more than 30 years of the benefit of peace, building the country from strength to strength. It is in China’s interest to continue growth in a peaceful international environment.
Carrie Waley, CEO of Mandarin Consulting and Julian Malins Q.C. who is an Alderman of the City of London and also a Non-Executive Director of Mandarin Consulting at the event.