Carrie Waley Was Interviewed For ITN London News

Carrie Waley was interviewed by ITN London News on Chinese New Year Day, 31st January 2014
As a leading China consultant in the UK, Carrie Waley, CEO of Mandarin Consulting was invited to give her opinion on Chinese investments in London.
In the interview, Carrie talked about Chinese investments in London. Carrie pointed out that there was more than £13 billion US$ invested in last 2 years, cumulatively more than in previous the 3 decades. Chinese investment is now monetarily in the top 3 coming into London and of all Chinese investment into Europe, around 1/6 (or 16%) comes to London
In the interview, Carrie also explained the main attractions of London for Chinese investors. The UK is a politically stable country where everyone is subject to the same law; London is a truly international and cosmopolitan city and there is little or no very little prejudice towards the Chinese. English language is also much easier for most Chinese to deal with than other European countries and of course the beneficial tax regime here towards foreign investors.