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At The Annual British Council Career Event Hosted By Manchester University

At The Annual British Council Career Event Hosted By Manchester University

Mandarin Consulting experts were invited to be panellists at the annual British Council career event on 26 October, 2013.

At the annual British Council career event hosted by Manchester University

As a career coaching market leader in the UK, Mandarin Consulting was invited to be the panellists at the largest career As a career coaching market leader in the UK, Mandarin Consulting was asked to provide panellists at the largest career event organised by the British Council in the North East of England.

The event was held for Chinese students from four major north-western English universities: Manchester University, Lancaster University, Leeds University and Liverpool University.

The event proved to be extremely popular: 600 students attended the seminar and careers fair, with many more on the waiting list.  Mandarin Consulting’s Carrie Waley and David Peckham were invited to be career coaching experts, fielding questions from students alongside representatives from the British Council, Zhaopin.com, Decathlon China and CRCC Asia.

At the annual British Council career event hosted by Manchester University

More information about the event can be found on Zhaopin.com:
and on Manchester University’s careers service website:


Mandarin Consulting应邀参加英国大使馆文化教育处携手智联招聘举办的《2013全英名校精英学子校园专场招聘会》

2013年10月26日,作为英国求职培训市场领袖,Mandarin Consultingm梦达琳受邀以专题讨论小组专家的身份出席由英国文化协会携手智联招聘举办的《2013全英名校精英学子校园专场招聘会》。此次招聘会的曼彻斯特大学站,是在英格兰东北部曼彻斯特大学举办的有史以来最盛大的专场求职活动。


活动成功吸引了六百多名学生注册并出席,还有很多同学因为名额有限在候补名单里。活动中Mandarin Consulting团队核心领导Carrie和David应邀,作为求职辅导专家出席此次活动,并与来自英国大使馆文化教育处、智联招聘、中国迪卡侬以及CRCC Asia的代表们一起回答现场学生提出的问题。

