MC Blogs

Coaches' Blogs

Coaching Experience By Evelina 21.06.13

Coaching Experience By Evelina 21.06.13

Coaching experience from Evelina:

I had an urgent interview coaching session with a candidate who received an invitation for an interview at 2pm in the afternoon to attend a face to face interview at 5pm the same day which obviously did not leave enough (if any at all) time to prepare.
I would like to emphasise that no one should rush to have an interview. Candidates should not be afraid to ask for a different available time of the interview. Everyone should make sure they have enough time to prepare as interview preparation is essential for passing the interview.
Before the interview you should make sure:
•You know a basic information about a company – what company does, companys values and visions;
•You are ready to talk why do you want to work for a chosen company and why you are interested in a chosen position;
•You know what makes you good for this position;
•Your answers are coherent.
It takes time to prepare well so make sure you have at least 2-3 days for preparation.